Two races for all on day four and with a first and a third Przemek Miarczynski (POL 013) stays at the top of the gold fleet after 9 races[more].  Arnon Dagan (ISR 1) with a third and a first is still just one point behind in second place, and Michael Polonowski (POL 10) is still in bronze position.

Wind conditions in the morning were shifty and unstable and it was mid afternoon before the gold fleet were able to start in with an average windspeed in the starting area of 12 knots.  An upwind finish was a good choice of course for the offshore wind.  Two races were run for all fleets before packing up for the imminent storm.

In the women’s fleet Olga Maslivets (UKR 9), with a perfect score of 9 after discards, is still first with Agnieszka Pietrasik (POL19) 6 points behind in second but Estonian Annika Valkna has nudged her way into third place.

Follow the event live on FW Class website

Results: Men after 9 /  Women after 12

Registration day
Day one – racing
Day one – more photos
Day two
Day two – more
Day three
Day three
Day four


Interview with Guido Verlaeckt
Interview with Zaklina Litauniece (Jury)

Event Website

Day Three – A good day’s racing in Liepaja in side/onshore and 11 knots; sunny and windy – perfect. Przemek Miarczynski (POL 013) still heads the gold fleet after 7 races, Arnon Dagan (ISR 1) has moved up to second just one point behind, and Michael Polonowski (POL 10) is now in bronze position.

In the women’s fleet the order stays the same with Olga Maslivets (UKR 9) in first, Agnieszka Pietrasik (POL19) in second and Nina Szymczyk (POL 213) in third. Olga and Agnieszka are streaking ahead taking all the bullets and second places between them.

Two races for Gold and Silver Fleets on day two of the FW Europeans, having completed the fourth race in the qualification series.  Great conditions again – [more]11/12 knots – sunny and onshore, with a lot of waves!  Przemek Miarczynski (POL 013), Casper Bouman (NED 52) and Arnon Dagan (ISR 1) currently head the gold fleet

The women also now have six races under their belt.  Top three are Olga Maslivets (UKR 9), Agnieszka Pietrasik (POL19) and Nina Szymczyk (POL 213)

Almost a hundred competitors are taking part in the FW European Championships in Liepaja, Latvia.  18 countries are represented with 90 men and 8 women racing separately from the men who race in two groups. 

The first day saw some great racing, despite the ominous start when it seemed that Liepaja would not live up to its reputation – “the city where wind is born”.  It was a beautiful afternoon – sun and wind! 

This will be the first championship using the new Group Racing system approved at the 2009 FW AGM in Santa Pola. 4 races in qualification so with three races completed on day one, the mens fleet will split into Gold and Silver after race 4 on day 2.

Current leaders are: (yellow / blue)

Brzozowski Wojtek / Dagan Arnon
Miarczynski Przemek / Mokrzycki Hubert
Bouman Casper / Costa Hoevel Gonzalo

Leading the ladies: 

Pietrasik Agnieszka, Szymczyk Nina, Maslivets Olga