The ID2CA has appointed former Olympic and World Championships multi medalists Bruce Kendall, Scott Steele, Alain Cadre and Jonas Davidson as Key Team Members of ID2CA Technical Committee.
Appointed by the Class Executive Committee (EC), the TC role is, among other things, to advise about Class Rules, rules interpretations and abuse of rules, proposed amendments to Class Rules, build specifications and measurement forms, as well as overseeing measurement checks at officially sanctioned DII Events.[more]

Bruce Kendal – NZL – Olympic Gold Medal 1988 Men Windsurf

“The return of the D2 class is a big thumbs up to helping people to relive or experience for the first time the joys and challenges of sailing round bottom boards & often small light weight rigs. It is a big thumbs up for recycling and making old things new.  A first for windsurfing in creating a Nostalgic or “Classic” class such as has been done in other yachting classes such as the Flying Dutchmen and Dragons or in motor sport.
I look forward to joining others some time soon on my Lechner A390 from the 1992 era. I am interested to see the new developments too.”
Alain Cadre-FRA – Silver Medal – Windsurf World Championship 1989

“C’est un grand plaisir de renaviguer sur une Division II avec les nouveaux greements.
Cette sensation de naviguer au pres, au planning en apesanteur, dans le petit temps, presque sans efforts, ne se trouve nulle part ailleurs dans le monde de la voile legere.
À l’heure ou tout le monde ne pense qu’a voler (foils), la c’est le contact avec l’eau qui est apprecie, c’est une glisse meme a 5kts de vent ou il faut plus faire preuve de finesse que de force.
Il est interessant de voir l’e evolution (ou pas) des carenes a l’interieur de cette jauge, vieille de 25 ans, que vont engendrer les nouveau greements, beaucoup plus faciles et performants.”
Jonas Davidson-Vitell e SWE – Gold Medal – Windsurf World Championship 1985

“I have started D2 sailing again after 25 years.  The reason is that I want a fast board with harmony in all conditions. With those big modern sails and some small modifications of the hull the D2 is fantastic to sail. Railing with the lift of the centerboard upwind makes it awesome.
My implication at ID2CA Technical Committee is as a sailor and designer to keep the good things and look for interesting developments. 
I hope that we, in the future,  will see more people seeing the advantages of D2. I hope we will see a lot of competitors in championships and club races and/or just enjoying the D2.”
ID2CA Technical Committee:
Limited to 4 members in addition to Chief Measurer and International Secretary and appointed by Class Executive Committee, mission of TC is to consider Class Measurement Rules and other technical matters including rule interpretations, to advise upon their revision, to give direction on how to prevent abuse of the rules, to put forward proposals for amendments to Class rules, building specifications and measurement forms, to oversee measurement checks at officially sanctioned DII Events.