A new windsurfing competition has set sails to achieve the impossible: Red Bull Storm Chase wants to hunt down three of this year’s biggest storms and find the champion in storm windsurfing in fierce duels man vs. man vs. nature. A task that demands extra-smart logistics. [more]

Windsurfing a force-10 storm is one thing. Getting the world’s best wavesailors and an event crew to the storm just in time is another. And managing to achieve this three times within four months is an experiment that now has a name: Red Bull Storm Chase.

This matchless competition poses a challenge to participants and team alike. The plan is to catch three severe 10 Beaufort storms at destinations worldwide within the holding period from August 1 to November 30, 2012. The plan is to show the most radical windsurfing ever. The plan is to be as flexible and mobile as possible.

This is the theory. But how will it be put into practice? Find out about the logistical challenge behind the toughest windsurfing contest of all time.

Project Update Clip: http://www.redbullstormchase.com/videos/project-update-clip-logistics